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Enigma's Variations

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Working on one thing at a time
  Enigma, May 21 2014

Hey LPer's
For the past few months I have been working with a personal development coach, working on my business and interpersonal/employee relations.
Coupled with the reading I have been doing I feel like I am rapidly transforming my life. Using some of these principles applied to poker I give you this video.

Depending on the viewer response I may go further with the abstract self development aspects or revert back to helping people grasp the math and logic of the game.


Please enjoy and share,

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  Enigma, Jul 06 2013
one time there is a promo that benefits FLHE players.
Stars continuing to rock out the promos!

Also, I played in the $1mil freeroll and placed like 7-800 and cashed for just under two bills. This has sparked my interest in learning MTT's. I played a 20k guarantee this week and cashed in like 100th. Still not sure how to act once I have built that big-midsize stack in the late-middle of the tourney. If anyone is interested I would be willing to trade coaching in FLHE for MTT training.

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Notes on life
  Enigma, Apr 15 2013

Read through an old notebook of mine today while waiting on a car checkup. Came across a fairly interesting quetsions and possible awnsers regarding life. Thought I would share;
Point of life?
- to live/avoid death
- to experience
- to experiment
- to better the world
- to continue existance of human race
- add to collective conciousness
What is sucess?
- Aquisition of wealth
- power/influence
- harmony with the world
- to become admired/adored
- respect
Reality is...?
- A figment of Imagination
- based on your point of view
- elusive or non-existant
- what can be observed or experienced

these are from about 5-6years ago I wonder if I were to ask myself these questions again if my awnsers would change...

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